
Published on November 25, 2008

Leftist blogger Frederick Clarkson is wondering why conservative columnist Kathleen Parker isn’t being taken for the woodshed for her religious bigotry. Anti-Muslim? Dismissive of liberal Christians? A Wicca basher? None of the above. Parker is taking aim at “an element that used to be relegated to wooden crates on street corners,” the “oogedy-boogedy Christians.” What […]

Leftist blogger Frederick Clarkson is wondering why conservative columnist Kathleen Parker isn’t being taken for the woodshed for her religious bigotry. Anti-Muslim? Dismissive of liberal Christians? A Wicca basher? None of the above. Parker is taking aim at “an element that used to be relegated to wooden crates on street corners,” the “oogedy-boogedy Christians.” What if a liberal columnist of similar popularity as Parker had said the same thing, Fred wonders. Of course, they have, in only slightly milder terms, but that doesn’t make it any better when Parker does it. It is indeed bigotry; it’s also classist claptrap.

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