John McCain's Rod

Published on March 12, 2008

Much ink has been spilled over John McCain’s ongoing relationship with ultra-right megachurch pastor and apocalypse dreamer John Hagee. Now the liberal press is starting to get up to speed on another McCain pal, Rod Parsley, the fundamentalist prince of Ohio. David Corn reviews the basics in Mother Jones. We here at The Revealer have […]

Much ink has been spilled over John McCain’s ongoing relationship with ultra-right megachurch pastor and apocalypse dreamer John Hagee. Now the liberal press is starting to get up to speed on another McCain pal, Rod Parsley, the fundamentalist prince of Ohio. David Corn reviews the basics in Mother Jones. We here at The Revealer have long been admirers of Rod’s… panache. With links to deeper, but less amusing, coverage from Michelle Goldberg and Sarah Posner. And here’s more on how Parsley uses the plight of Sudan as a weapon in his holy war.

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