Dawkins' Child Rearing Advice

Published on October 16, 2006

Christina Huh: To Richard Dawkins, the most dangerous people are not fundamentalists, but religious moderates who raise children to believe in only one God. In a Salon interview with Steve Paulson, Dawkins says that “to teach children that it is a fact that there is one god or that God created the world in six […]

Christina Huh: To Richard Dawkins, the most dangerous people are not fundamentalists, but religious moderates who raise children to believe in only one God. In a Salon interview with Steve Paulson, Dawkins says that “to teach children that it is a fact that there is one god or that God created the world in six days, that is child abuse.” The British scientist talks about everything from his conversion to atheism to his thoughts on evolution. He also gives his two-cents on the all-important ‘meaning of life’ question. Read the interview here.

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