Day of Noise

Published on April 13, 2005

In an effort to counter the success of the annual Day of Silence, a nationwide event to oppose anti-gay bias observed today at hundreds of schools and colleges, the Alliance Defense Fund — with the endorsement of Focus on the Family and the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission — are sponsoring a […]

In an effort to counter the success of the annual Day of Silence, a nationwide event to oppose anti-gay bias observed today at hundreds of schools and colleges, the Alliance Defense Fund — with the endorsement of Focus on the Family and the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission — are sponsoring a “Day of Truth,” during which students who believe homosexuality is a sin will wear T-shirts with the slogan, “‘The Truth Cannot Be Silenced,'” and pass out cards to classmates declaring “their unwillingness to condone ‘detrimental personal and social behavior.'” Last September, the Alliance Defense Fund filed a lawsuit against a San Diego school after a student was prohibited from wearing an anti-homosexuality T-shirt to school on last year’s Day of Silence.

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