National Motto Display Act

Published on April 8, 2005

“The National Motto Display Act,” a proposed Pennsylvania law soon to come before the state House, would require every public school classroom, auditorium and cafeteria in Pennsylvania to display the “national statement of faith,” “In God We Trust,” as “part of a well-rounded civics education.” That’s a lot of bronze casting, to be sure, but […]

The National Motto Display Act,” a proposed Pennsylvania law soon to come before the state House, would require every public school classroom, auditorium and cafeteria in Pennsylvania to display the “national statement of faith,” “In God We Trust,” as “part of a well-rounded civics education.” That’s a lot of bronze casting, to be sure, but if the school districts — with all their surplus cash — can’t afford the plaques, they could always hit up the bill’s “primary mover,” the American Family Association, for a donation. The AFA, which you might remember from such crusades as SpongeBob SquarePants and the “Philly Four” trial, has pursued its goal of putting the motto in every classroom in America by lobbying for similar legislation in Utah and Ohio (to mixed success — the Ohio bill died after the price tag on this affirmation of Christian patriotism came to three million dollars). The Act’s main House sponsor is Rep. Tom Creighton, the same Republican representative responsible for a bill promoting Intelligent Design theory.

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