It Worked Edmund Gwenn

Published on January 3, 2005

The Dutch postal agency TPG has announced that it will send all anonymous letters to God to the Netherland’s evangelical broadcasting company, EO, where employees will pray for the letter-writers. The decision came after Andre Rouvoet, the leader of Holland’s small Christian party, Christen Unie, asked why the letters were being thrown away by the post office, […]

The Dutch postal agency TPG has announced that it will send all anonymous letters to God to the Netherland’s evangelical broadcasting company, EO, where employees will pray for the letter-writers. The decision came after Andre Rouvoet, the leader of Holland’s small Christian party, Christen Unie, asked why the letters were being thrown away by the post office, when such letters in Israel are placed in the Wailing Wall. EO said that it already receives letters to God, and that it will continue to forward letters addressed to Allah or other gods to appropriate organizations.

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