Christian Legal Society

Published on April 7, 2005

An Illinois chapter of the Christian Legal Society, a law student group that requires its members to “adhere to Christian beliefs” — i.e., not be gay — has sued Southern Illinois University for revoking its official school recognition March 25. In a case that repeats many of the complaints of the North Carolina Christian fraternity, […]

An Illinois chapter of the Christian Legal Society, a law student group that requires its members to “adhere to Christian beliefs” — i.e., not be gay — has sued Southern Illinois University for revoking its official school recognition March 25. In a case that repeats many of the complaints of the North Carolina Christian fraternity, AIO, the Illinois student chapter of CLS charges that the school is violating its free speech rights. Meanwhile, the CLS mamaship, back in Annandale, Virginia, says it’s involved in identical suits at several other campuses, including Arizona State and the University of California.

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