An Authentic Christian.

Published on April 8, 2010

08 April 2010 Ann Neumann: Daniel Burke writes that Obama “bared his soul” at an Easter service on Tuesday, held after a meeting with more than a dozen black church leaders. From the article: “For those who are wondering or have doubts about whether he is authentically Christian, I think today’s message puts all doubts to rest,” […]

08 April 2010

Ann NeumannDaniel Burke writes that Obama “bared his soul” at an Easter service on Tuesday, held after a meeting with more than a dozen black church leaders. From the article:

“For those who are wondering or have doubts about whether he is authentically Christian, I think today’s message puts all doubts to rest,” said the Rev. Kirbyjon Caldwell, another Houston megachurch pastor who attended Tuesday’s breakfast. Obama’s father was a Kenyan Muslim-turned-atheist, his mother an agnostic, and his Indonesian stepfather an unorthodox Muslim. Caldwell, who is close to Obama and his predecessor, President George W. Bush, said he is galled by the number of Americans—one in 10 according to a 2009 poll—who refuse to believe Obama is Christian. “Never in modern history has a president said: “I am a Christian,” and others said, “No, you’re not,’” Caldwell said. “It’s stupid and an insult to him.”

But commenters at Religion News Service, where the article is posted, aren’t buying it: “When he stops killing unborn babies then I will announce from the roof tops that he is indeed a Christian,” writes Buzzy Gran. “Obama is a Muslim. A Marxist Muslim. Many wise biblical scholars believe the Anti-Christ would be a Muslim. If there was ever a person who fit the description of the Anti-Christ Obama would be it,” writes Crosshairball.

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