Hunter S. Thompson Is Not Dead

Published on March 29, 2005

In a story that sounds like a schizophrenic explosion of multiple American dreams, a West Virginia man dressed as a combination frontiersman/Indian/army commando was arrested outside of St. Louis with a carload of guns and ammunition, various drugs and a duffle bag full of Bibles. The “old-time pioneer,” as he’s being described, John Hill, told […]

In a story that sounds like a schizophrenic explosion of multiple American dreams, a West Virginia man dressed as a combination frontiersman/Indian/army commando was arrested outside of St. Louis with a carload of guns and ammunition, various drugs and a duffle bag full of Bibles. The “old-time pioneer,” as he’s being described, John Hill, told the police he was headed for South Dakota to bring Bibles and “other supplies” to Native American children.

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