What if the Catholic Church Was a Democracy?

Published on February 10, 2005

You can vote here for your favorite Catholic blog in a number of categories. We’re no experts, but the nominees seem to skew strongly conservative, theologically and politically. But then, so does “St. Blog’s.” We like a lot of the contenders, but we feel obliged to give special notice to a few of our favorites: Amy Welborn’s Open […]

You can vote here for your favorite Catholic blog in a number of categories. We’re no experts, but the nominees seem to skew strongly conservative, theologically and politically. But then, so does “St. Blog’s.” We like a lot of the contenders, but we feel obliged to give special notice to a few of our favorites: Amy Welborn’s Open Book; Mark Sullivan’s Irish Elk; Barbara Nicolosi’s Church of the Masses; Kathy Shaidle’sRelapsed Catholic; and Bill Cork’s Et Unum SintThe Revealer has wrassled with most of these bloggers at one point or another (although they seem to given up on our crooked souls) and they haven’t always been generous of spirit (except for Amy Welborn, who, in contrast to her commenters, is always generous of spirit), but they do interesting work and they’re worth voting for if it’ll help them feel good about it. Oh — should be noted that Bill Cork thinks the vote might be rigged. Is nothing pure?

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