Yet Another "Third Way"

Published on January 4, 2005

Secularists, ecumenicists, agnostics: Watch out for Jim Wallis, warns Elizabeth A. Castelli. The evangelical leader and would-be political savior of liberalism brings more than passion for the poor to a liberalism he says has lost its vision — he also brings a set of definitions by which the religion he says liberals so desperately needs “morphs […]

Secularists, ecumenicists, agnostics: Watch out for Jim Wallis, warns Elizabeth A. Castelli. The evangelical leader and would-be political savior of liberalism brings more than passion for the poor to a liberalism he says has lost its vision — he also brings a set of definitions by which the religion he says liberals so desperately needs “morphs into what Wallis is really talking about: ‘the religion,’ that is, Christianity.” And a narrowly-defined Christianity at that — there’s no room in Wallis’ tent for the undeniable “vision” of conservatism.

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