21st Century Ship

Published on March 23, 2005

Now that racism, unequal opportunity, inner city poverty, voter disenfranchisement, police profiling, inequities in the justice system and in the sentencing of convicted criminals are all taken care of, black ministers, lobbyists and conservative activists are steering the Black Vote ship away from civil rights concerns to the task of “‘imparting the mantle of responsibility,'” […]

Now that racism, unequal opportunity, inner city poverty, voter disenfranchisement, police profiling, inequities in the justice system and in the sentencing of convicted criminals are all taken care of, black ministers, lobbyists and conservative activists are steering the Black Vote ship away from civil rights concerns to the task of “‘imparting the mantle of responsibility,'” by signing onto a conservative movement document ironically titled the “21st Century Mayflower Compact.” Because, according to the president and founder of the National Coalition of Pastors’ Spouses, Vivian Berryhill, “‘This is a values movement now.'” What “this” is, is a little undefined, but we assume Berryhill, and her colleagues in the Republican National Party’s new black outreach campaign, means something like “the black movement.” We also assume she’s hoping “the black community” has forgotten that other catchy “black movement” phrase — the one about Plymouth Rock; you know, where the Mayflower landed — and will go along with the historical rewrite that takes them out from under the rock and onto the ship.

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