Big In The Trading Card World

Published on April 7, 2005

Religious kitsch is a fact of life for religion writers, and after awhile the wobbly pope dolls and the wind-up nun who spits sparks and the neon psychedelic Jesus get pretty old. It is especially rare to find a work of religious Americana, combining flag and Bible, that has anything new to offer. But such […]

Religious kitsch is a fact of life for religion writers, and after awhile the wobbly pope dolls and the wind-up nun who spits sparks and the neon psychedelic Jesus get pretty old. It is especially rare to find a work of religious Americana, combining flag and Bible, that has anything new to offer. But such is “America, We Stand As One,” by Dennis Madalone. It is, as we are fond of saying of our favorite religious writing, the Word made strange — and the word here is “Corny.” Transcendently corny, cheese so pungent it redeems. Tinkerbell angels, grandma angels, sexy angels; floating firemen, firemen’s widows, firemen’s widows’ smiling, angel-inspired babies; an entire ocean transubstantiated into an American flag. Madalone’s music video takes a long time to download, but open two windows so you can read all about it while you wait. On the “about” page, scrolling behind pictures of Madalone buried beneath cats and dogs, we learn that he is stunt coordinator and stuntman for numerous Star Trek spin-off shows, and “is also featured on the Star Trek Trading Cards, which in the trading card world is a high honor, and a valuable collectible.” And to think: We stand as one with such a man.

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