
Published on April 1, 2005

Matthew Moran: “I looked at Mark and wondered silently. Wondered if we would be making proclamations about faith and new beginnings the next time Mark was sent upstate. I had interacted with him too much to make any proclamations. I had listened to his rambling monologues and knew that in Mark’s world, the universe could tilt […]

Matthew Moran: “I looked at Mark and wondered silently. Wondered if we would be making proclamations about faith and new beginnings the next time Mark was sent upstate. I had interacted with him too much to make any proclamations. I had listened to his rambling monologues and knew that in Mark’s world, the universe could tilt upside down or right-side up in a weekend or less. He is the only person I know that could be suicidal on Friday and bring a friend to church on Sunday. It made me wonder what seeing with ‘eyes of faith’ actually looked like. Does being Christian mean that we are required to be optimists?” At Killing the Buddha.

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