
Published on March 12, 2005

“Mary, an unstable mystic, masturbates with holy ardor, turning a prayer — ‘Come, Lord Jesus, have mercy on me’ — into a lascivious incantation. Walter, a left-wing Episcopal priest who has been demoted to an outer-borough church for coming on to a teenager at Manhattan’s Church of the Heavenly Rest, still desires boys; he spends […]

“Mary, an unstable mystic, masturbates with holy ardor, turning a prayer — ‘Come, Lord Jesus, have mercy on me’ — into a lascivious incantation. Walter, a left-wing Episcopal priest who has been demoted to an outer-borough church for coming on to a teenager at Manhattan’s Church of the Heavenly Rest, still desires boys; he spends his nights trolling gay bars and his days visiting Web sites ‘for theologically minded adherents of S-and-M.'” Virginia Heffernan in The NYTimes on Darcey Steinke’s new novel, Milk, “a furtive little book, a kinky Christian fable about three Brooklyn outcasts obsessed with God and sex.”

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