Special Ops Jesus No More!

Published on March 21, 2005

Steve Peacock, of the Greater Binghamton Progressive Media Center, reports that the U.S. Army Special Operations Command has cancelled its order for 10,000 modified Bibles rather than comply with a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request he filed last fall. Peacock writes: “Unlike many critics of the Bush administration, my object isn’t to take a […]

Steve Peacock, of the Greater Binghamton Progressive Media Center, reports that the U.S. Army Special Operations Command has cancelled its order for 10,000 modified Bibles rather than comply with a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request he filed last fall. Peacock writes: “Unlike many critics of the Bush administration, my object isn’t to take a swipe at Christianity. On the contrary, one of my goals is to determine whether an executive department under the purview of the Bush White House might be planning to infuse Pentagon propaganda and imagery with the sacred text of the faith I embrace. It is my firm belief that my fellow Christians and fellow non-Christian Americans deserve to know whether [the Department of Defense], like the Commander In Chief, is polluting and co-opting the message of peace delivered by Jesus Christ. If my informed suspicions were wrong, then the Army had a prime opportunity to prove me wrong. The Army blew it.”

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