Close Your Eyes and Think of Mankind

Published on February 25, 2005

Sisters may be doing it for themselves, but the Alliance Defense Fund says it’s doing what it does for the survival of the whole species. How is ADF protecting humanity from extinction today? By fighting gay marriage in San Francisco’s County Superior Court with the argument that “‘the right to marry has always been about […]

Sisters may be doing it for themselves, but the Alliance Defense Fund says it’s doing what it does for the survival of the whole species. How is ADF protecting humanity from extinction today? By fighting gay marriage in San Francisco’s County Superior Court with the argument that “‘the right to marry has always been about procreation,'” and that encouraging procreation trumps the concern of ending discrimination. Because, of course, if you don’t allow gay couples to marry, they will renounce homosexuality and start having babies. Somehow, courts in Massachusetts, New York and Washington have failed to see the logic in this argument, ruling that procreation isn’t threatened by gay marriage, that a ban on same-sex marriage would do nothing to encourage having children, and that the concern is moot in a world of artificial insemination and adoption. But other states, such as Indiana, Minnesota and Arizona (home state to the defenders of the species, ADF) have approved the rationale, with rulings that reference gay couples’ biological incapability to reproduce, and a tradition of begetting that reaches back to the book of Genesis.

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