Holy Oiling the Machine

Published on January 9, 2006

09 January 2006 Via Salon, The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday on the clandestine consecration of the hearing room where the questioning of Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito is taking place today. The consecration — which included blessing the doors to the room, praying for each member of the judicial committee by name, and anointing each of the […]

09 January 2006

Via SalonThe Wall Street Journal reported Thursday on the clandestine consecration of the hearing room where the questioning of Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito is taking place today. The consecration — which included blessing the doors to the room, praying for each member of the judicial committee by name, and anointing each of the seats in the room with holy oil — was undertaken by National Clergy Council president Rob Schenck, Christian Defense Coalition director Patrick Mahoney, and Faith and Action general manager, Grace Nwachukwu. The three ministers were denied entrance to the room on Thursday, when they officially blessed the doors, but told the Capitol Hill police who stopped them that they’d already snuck into the room the day before to anoint all the chairs in the room. Lost amid the gleeful quirkiness of this story though — a Senate break-in! With ministers! And oil! — is any real connecting of the dots in the story, even such a simple connection as the fact that two of the ministers — who are identified as part of separate organizations — are actually both part of the administration of Faith and Action, or the fact that, as far as joint activism is concerned, Schenck’s and Mahoney’s organizations might as well be merged, having worked together on all number of culture war events, from “Operation Nativity,” to Terri Schiavo, to the Ten Commandments, and on.

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