Is This Anything?

Published on February 22, 2005

The magic properties of the word “religion” — simultaneously capable of bestowing protection and destroying credibility — are shown again in battles to append or strip the label to various groups or theories. In Iowa, state authorities are trying to overturn the official recognition of the Church of the New Song, claiming the “prison religion” […]

The magic properties of the word “religion” — simultaneously capable of bestowing protection and destroying credibility — are shown again in battles to append or strip the label to various groups or theories. In Iowa, state authorities are trying to overturn the official recognition of the Church of the New Song, claiming the “prison religion” is just a front for a white supremacist gang. In the world of anti-Kyoto Protocol editorializing, Tom DeWeese and Terry McCrann are foisting the term on global warming itself, which they argue is a new religion, complete with blind faith, anti-rationalism and a college of cardinals. Intelligent Design proponents continue to push for equal proselytizing time on the grounds that “Darwinism” is an ideology, and even the pope is now recognizing new belief-systems, contrasting his stoicism in the face of illness with modern society’s unreasonable faith in the “religion of health.” Where does it lead? A brave new multi-faith harmony? Nah

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