Duke ISO Pugilist

Published on January 28, 2005

Kerry Duke, dean of Tennessee Bible College, has apparently intimidated his neighbors at Tennessee State University out of hosting a free course on Islam. After hearing of the planned course — which, according to the would-have-been professor, wasn’t proselytization but an academic introduction to the faith as occurs in most universities that offer religious studies […]

Kerry Duke, dean of Tennessee Bible College, has apparently intimidated his neighbors at Tennessee State University out of hosting a free course on Islam. After hearing of the planned course — which, according to the would-have-been professor, wasn’t proselytization but an academic introduction to the faith as occurs in most universities that offer religious studies — Duke challenged TSU on two counts: first, that the school was using government money to promote a single religion and that they should allow him to lecture on Christianity; and second, that Islam wasn’t “a religion of peace” after all. Said Duke: “‘I’ve been to the mosque several times and I’m well aware of the teachings of the Quran. I disagree with their claims that their religion does not promote violence, and I can show there are statements in the Quran that encourage violence to non-Muslims.'” According to WorldNetDaily, Duke is currently looking for someone to debate the true nature of Islam with him.

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