You Forgot Context

Published on January 27, 2005

Though she’s been called “French” for it, Peggy Noonan doesn’t regret her critique of Bush’s “God-drenched” address, and adds these thoughts: words have meanings that last beyond romantic sentiment; history is quite big enough right now without more overreaching ambition; try not to “clobber the world over the head with your moral fabulousness“; and try […]

Though she’s been called “French” for it, Peggy Noonan doesn’t regret her critique of Bush’s “God-drenched” address, and adds these thoughts: words have meanings that last beyond romantic sentiment; history is quite big enough right now without more overreaching ambition; try not to “clobber the world over the head with your moral fabulousness“; and try to remember the context of the speech you’re giving: i.e., we’ve currently got trouble enough without summoning more.

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