I.D. Update

Published on January 24, 2005

The evolution debate goes on, with The New York Times and The Washington Post both printing anti-“Intelligent Design” editorials in the past two days (The Times arguing that “If evolution is derided as ‘only a theory,’ intelligent design needs to be recognized as ‘not even a theory’ or ‘not yet a theory,'” and the Post […]

The evolution debate goes on, with The New York Times and The Washington Post both printing anti-“Intelligent Design” editorials in the past two days (The Times arguing that “If evolution is derided as ‘only a theory,’ intelligent design needs to be recognized as ‘not even a theory’ or ‘not yet a theory,'” and the Post recalling the tin specter of Sputnik, and warning that American kids will soon fall behind). At Dover High School, the Pennsylvania school where biology classes must now discuss evolution alternatives, science teachers have refused to read a statement criticizing evolution and suggesting “Intelligent Design” as an alternative, and so an administrator will read it instead.

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