Red-Hot Religion

Published on January 12, 2005

Scientists, philosophers, theologians and brain surgeons make up Oxford University’s new Oxford Center for Science of the Mind, which is soon to begin a series of experiments on the nature of human consciousness and how religious beliefs manifest themselves in our brains. The Center has received an initial two-year grant from the Templeton Foundation, which […]

Scientists, philosophers, theologians and brain surgeons make up Oxford University’s new Oxford Center for Science of the Mind, which is soon to begin a series of experiments on the nature of human consciousness and how religious beliefs manifest themselves in our brains. The Center has received an initial two-year grant from the Templeton Foundation, which funds research into the connections of religion and science. According to the center’s director, neuroscientist Lady Greenfield, scientific investigation of religion could help explain the rise in fundamentalism and terrorism. But before the center gets to al Quaeda, they’ll start with an experiment involving chili-based gel applied to volunteers’ skin and asking those with strong religious beliefs to use their faith to help cope with the pain.

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