
Published on January 11, 2005

Mfaith, a free U.S. text messaging service sending daily Bible verses, has a little something for everyone, according to publisher Gary Brooks, who says, “‘It doesn’t matter who you are, everyone can relate to the Scriptures we send.'” Oh? Has Brooks solved holy war once and for all? Or is just that Americans, what with […]

Mfaith, a free U.S. text messaging service sending daily Bible verses, has a little something for everyone, according to publisher Gary Brooks, who says, “‘It doesn’t matter who you are, everyone can relate to the Scriptures we send.'” Oh? Has Brooks solved holy war once and for all? Or is just that Americans, what with our love of Chinese food, are inured to the type of fortune-cookie sermon Brooks is sending: “Bad company corrupts good character”; “Every fool is quick to quarrel”; “The blessing of the Lord makes rich”; “Someone from your past will return to steal your heart”?

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