Oy, Halloween

Published on October 28, 2004

Oy, Halloween 28 October 2004 What are you going to dress up as for “Demonic Spirit Day”? That’s what some evangelicals are calling Halloween this year. Dahleen Glanton of The Chicago Tribune covers the bases on this perennial story that’s taken on a new twist this year, since Halloween has fallen on Sunday, the Christian sabbath. Some Christians propose at least […]

Oy, Halloween

28 October 2004
What are you going to dress up as for “Demonic Spirit Day”? That’s what some evangelicals are calling Halloween this year. Dahleen Glanton of The Chicago Tribune covers the bases on this perennial story that’s taken on a new twist this year, since Halloween has fallen on Sunday, the Christian sabbath. Some Christians propose at least moving it to Saturday, which is, incidentally, the Jewish shabbat. Maybe I’ll go as Henny Youngman…

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