Surge in Nonbelief

Published on January 10, 2005

The New York City Atheists, a branch of American Atheists, has had their membership quintuple — from 25 to 125 — since the election of George Bush, who, in the NYCA’s own words, “‘has been our greatest ally.'” Other nonreligious organizations, such as The Council for Secular Humanism, have seem their membership spike dramatically in […]

The New York City Atheists, a branch of American Atheists, has had their membership quintuple — from 25 to 125 — since the election of George Bush, who, in the NYCA’s own words, “‘has been our greatest ally.'” Other nonreligious organizations, such as The Council for Secular Humanism, have seem their membership spike dramatically in what Barry Lynn, executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State calls “‘a response from people who are frightened that the evangelical right is literally trying to take over the country.'”

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