And the Winners Are...

Published on January 7, 2005

The Memory Hole collects the first official details of the distribution of faith-based grants, which were given to the AP separated into state-by-state lists. The faith-based recipients include: The City of Phoenix, The Los Angeles Department of Labor, The Colorado Department of Human Services, Miami-Dade County, Baltimore, St. Louis, Trenton, and Utah. Faith Forward wonders […]

The Memory Hole collects the first official details of the distribution of faith-based grants, which were given to the AP separated into state-by-state lists. The faith-based recipients include: The City of Phoenix, The Los Angeles Department of Labor, The Colorado Department of Human Services, Miami-Dade County, Baltimore, St. Louis, Trenton, and Utah. Faith Forward wonders whether this “whole ‘Faith-Based Initiatives’ thing could be a shallow attempt to grab political capital by laying claim to the mantle of piety while avoiding any extra layout of cash.” We have questions too. Like, will any reporter succeed in asking Bush about the secular grantees? Or on the other hand, what does Bush know about Trenton that we don’t?

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