"Spiritual War - Now More Than Ever!"

Published on October 29, 2004

Every now and then The Revealer receives a press release that’s worth publishing as a kind of primary document journalism. Last time we did this, it was with a press release for a Witches’ Days of Prayer for the election. Now, from the “other side,” comes this call for Christian spiritual warriors to gear up for the […]

Every now and then The Revealer receives a press release that’s worth publishing as a kind of primary document journalism. Last time we did this, it was with a press release for a Witches’ Days of Prayer for the election. Now, from the “other side,” comes this call for Christian spiritual warriors to gear up for the mother of all electoral spiritual battles this Tuesday…

To: Florida Prayer Network Watchmen

From: Pam Olsen, President, FPN

Purpose Of FPN: Florida Prayer Network seeks to unite individuals, churches, and ministries to form a prayer network to seek God for the healing of our nation; to pray for revival: and to pray for the strengthening of families throughout Florida and our country. Through a united effort of prayer, our state and nation can be changed! “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” James 5:16.

Dear Watchmen:

We must all press in and pray for the upcoming election on Nov. 2. It is a battle for the very heart and soul of our nation. The next president will appoint between 1-4 Supreme Court Justices will effect our nation for the next generation. We are encouraging people to hold prayer vigils at their churches and 24 hour prayer watches. We must pray for godly pro-life leaders to be elected from coast-to-coast and in the Congress and the White House. We must also do our part to make phone calls and send emails to encourage people to Vote Values. Call through your church directory and tell people “to remember to vote values on Nov. 2”. If people will stand on Biblical principles and vote regarding the issues that the Bible speaks on, we will see righteous leaders elected.

We are part of a wonderful 24/7 Bible Reading Marathon that will take place at the State Capitol facing the Florida Supreme Court. This is a very historic and very significant event. The Bible will be read out loud from Genesis to Revelation. This is very important in the Spirit realm, when the Word of God is read out loud things happen. This is strategic to the election in our state! To have this at our state Capitol is a God thing! Please pray for this very important event and sign up to be a part. The information is below. (Special thanks to Gail Lolley for the tireless hours she has put in to make this happen). We are also including in this email a very important letter from Pastor Dutch Sheets who has lead prayer in all 50 states. I had the privilege to pray with him over the phone last week regarding this electionHere are some key points to cover in prayer. Together….we will pray and see victory!


1. Pray for protection of the President and his family

2. Pray against any terrorists attacks against our nation between now and Election Day

3. Pray for Americans to be informed on issues, especially for Christians to vote Biblically votes (see www.ivotevales.org ) this has excellent information on candidates and their positions and other vital information. Pray for godly leaders to be elected.

4. Prayer Walk Your Polling Place on Monday, Nov. 1 and Tues. Nov. 2 if possible. The polling places are “gates of authority” in our nation and we must take the “gates” by prayer and be watchmen in prayer.

5. Pray for the Presidential race: these states are very close in the polls (Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada, Iowa, New Hampshire and New Mexico and pray for the Congressional races: Florida has a very close Senate race, as does Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, Colorado, Alaska, Oklahoma and South Dakota. Pray for godly leaders to be elected. Another excellent website to see where candidates stand on Biblical issues is: www.ifapray.org Pray that people will see clearly where the candidates stand and will vote values!

6. Pray for the Media: pray for truth to be told and lies to be revealed. Pray against any deceptive stories being told at the last minute to try to turn the vote

7. Pray for the Election Process: that there will be no deception at the polls, no voter fraud, voter harassment or claims of such, and no violence

8. Pray for the Lord to move on the hearts of His people and that the PRAY and VOTE on Nov. 2

9. Pray for the Scripture Reading at the Florida State Capitol: we believe that this is a key to God moving across our state and nation as His Word is proclaimed!

Florida’s 24/7 Scripture Reading

Saturday, October 30, 2004 through Tuesday, November 2, 2004

Florida State Capitol – Tallahassee, Florida

“You will also declare a thing, and it will be established for you;

so Light will shine on your ways.” – Job 22:28

Dear Church of Florida:

A historical event is taking place in Tallahassee that will give everyone the opportunity to publicly “declare” the inspired Word of God.

You are invited to participate in a Bible Reading Marathon—a continuous reading of the whole Bible. Many volunteers will be needed to participate in this rewarding opportunity, each taking their turn to open their Bible and read aloud a portion of Scripture that God declared to us.

Marathons have been held on the steps of our nation’s capitol every year since 1990. Our earnest desire is for the church of Florida to come in unity to proclaim God’s word from Genesis to Revelation over our state and our nation. Beginning October 30th the entire Word of God will be read in 81 hours on the steps of our state capitol.

We will begin reading Genesis 1:1 on Saturday, October 30 at 10:00 AM and continue through the Book of Revelation until the entire Bible is read aloud, culminating on Tuesday, November 2 at 7:00 PM. Participants will read in 15-minute increments. Churches or ministries may reserve a block of time and bring the number of participants needed to fill that block.

Several groups have come together to support this event: Arlen Swinger, Mission Tallahassee; Tim Ireland, Christian Leadership Council; Jo Anne Arnett, Center for Biblical Studies; Richard Albertson, Live the Life Ministries; Pam Olsen, Florida Prayer Network; Ivy Williams, Throne Room Ministries; and Ken and Cheryl Malone, U.S. Strategic Prayer Network (Florida).

We anticipate an exciting time in the weeks ahead as we schedule people from the state of Florida to join together to read all of God’s Word. We invite people of all ages – adults, children, senior adults, high school and college students, businessmen, government and state officials — to participate in this momentous event. Some individuals may read several times if the group is small or if scheduled readers do not come.

Please e-mail at, gaillolley@cs.com or call (850)627-2283, with the following information: your name, address, and phone numbers, e-mail address, the preferred date and time of your reading, and an alternate date and time, along with the name of your church or ministry affiliation.

I will be in touch in the next few days with all who respond to share preparations, how you can become involved, and to begin scheduling increments for the Marathon.

In His Service,

Gail Lolley

Scheduler, Florida’s 24/7 Scripture Reading

These are some of the times still available to be filled:

Sunday: Oct. 31 3:45 a.m – 7:00 am. Sunday night: Oct. 31 10:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Monday: Nov. 1 10:15 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Tuesday, Nov. 2 8:00 am. -9:00 a.m. Tuesday Nov. 2 12:30 pm. – 2:45 pm.

Please plan on being a part of this important event. If you live outside of Tallahassee, please vote early and then come up to the Capitol and take part. All of these hours will be covered and the Bible will be read completely through, it would be a blessing if you can take part in this. There will be a praise and worship service at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday Nov. 2 after the Bible reading is finished.

A Message from Pastor Dutch Sheets, Colorado Springs

October 28, 2004

Dear Friends,

Up until now the Holy Spirit has not led me to issue a call to prayer for this year?s elections, as I did in 2000 (others have done so and many are praying). That began to change this morning as I sensed clearly that the warfare over this election went to another level?big time! As it was in 2000, it is an all-out war in the spirit realm for the soul of this nation and I sense in my spirit that we have not yet broken through into victory. If we lose this war?and make no mistake, we can lose it if at any point we yield to apathy, overconfidence, weariness, or anything else that might cause us to not finish well?the results will be devastating.

Do not make the fatal mistake of laying the results of this election solely on the will and sovereignty of God. As He did in 2000, God is requiring a partnership with the praying church in order for righteousness to prevail. We must not allow a faulty theology that simply says ?we have asked God to intervene, the rest is up to Him? to give us a false sense of security. Sometimes asking is all that is necessary, sometimes not. In this battle it absolutely is not. Just as when Israel did not possess Canaan, and also when Jerusalem missed a visitation from Heaven in Christ?s day, God?s will alone will not decide this election (Hebrews 3:18-19; Luke 19:44). In 1963 we forfeited God?s will by removing His influence from our schools; in 1973 we missed God?s will by allowing abortion to be legalized. And make no mistake about it, our lack of action at this point in time can cause us to miss God?s will and send us spiraling downward again.

We must move into spiritual warfare now as never before. There is a persistence that must be exercised, striking the ground until complete victory is assured (2 Kings 13:14-19). By those who understand the principles of spiritual warfare, there is a kingdom force that must be employed in the spirit until the powers of darkness yield to the forces of light (Daniel 10:12-14; Matthew 11:12; Ephesians 6:12). There is a binding and loosing that must occur until confusion reigns in the enemy?s camp (Matthew 16:18-19). The kingdom rule and will of God must be released in intercession and declaration until Heaven?s desires prevail on earth (Matthew 6:10).

Don?t let up. Intensify! The next 3 days will determine the fate of America for decades?maybe forever. Also, I believe the purposes of God in many nations are at stake, not the least of which is a great harvest of souls around the world.

Take some radical steps. I am changing my schedule and going to Washington DC for the next 3 days in order to pray in the way I believe the Lord is leading me. Though this is not practical for most of you, here are some suggestions for the final 3 days leading up to this election:

1. Fast. Some are already fasting; I am asking for thousands more to join them. Ask God to lead you as to what kind of fast, and use wisdom concerning medical factors.

2. Join together in prayer meetings and prayer services: the prayer of agreement is powerful?use it.

· Turn Sunday school classes into prayer meetings.

· Take time in Sunday services this week for prayer.

· Have special prayer services Saturday, Sunday, or Monday nights.

· Move home/cell groups to Saturday, Sunday, or Monday nights and devote them to prayer.

· Do prayer ?conference calls? with friends and prayer partners.

3. Get up earlier than usual and pray before beginning other activities.

4. If possible, do a night watch?get up through the night and pray; or pull an ?all nighter? if you feel the strength to do so.

5. Pray Isaiah 22:22!

6. Send this prayer alert to every praying Christian that you know. Please give it to your pastor far enough in advance of Sunday?s services so that he can plan.

Finally, this is not a partisan issue; it is simply a righteousness issue. God must have a man in office who seeks His face. If all of us do our part, we will prevail in this election and see America take another turn toward righteousness and revival.

For His Cause,

Dutch Sheets

Thank you for praying for the election! Please pray without ceasing!!

Stand Strong Florida…on your knees! Florida Prayer Network can be reached at fpn@floridaprayer.org or you can call (850) 906-9170. Please visit our WEB SITE: www.floridaprayer.org . You can write us at FPN, P.O.Box 14017 Tallahassee, FL. 32317. Pam Olsen, FPN’s President is the National Area Leader of the Southeast Region of the United States for the National Day of Prayer Task Force. Please contact us if you have a prayer event or request that effect the state or nation. Please pass this alert on to others in your prayer groups and churches. If you would like to be removed from this alert list please contact us. Please let us know how we can serve you in your prayer efforts. FPN is a 501 (C) (3) ministry, donations are tax deductible and can be sent to the above address. Please pray for our efforts to touch Florida for Jesus Christ.

Sincerely and Prayerfully in Christ,

Pam Olsen

President, Florida Prayer Network

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