21 September 2004 Daily Links

Published on September 21, 2004

Exasperated by cell phones ringing during mass, four Catholic churches in Mexico are illegally jamming the cell phone signals with Israeli-made transmitters, of the kind used to protect officials from bugs and bombs detonated by phones. “Looking for the right man, the right chocolate, the right friends — and the right relationship with God.” The New York Times’ Joshua […]

Exasperated by cell phones ringing during mass, four Catholic churches in Mexico are illegally jamming the cell phone signals with Israeli-made transmitters, of the kind used to protect officials from bugs and bombs detonated by phones.

“Looking for the right man, the right chocolate, the right friends — and the right relationship with God.” The New York Times’ Joshua Kurlantzick attends the third annual convention of Christian romance and fiction writers to investigate the burgeoning field of Christian chick lit.

A New York man has been arrested for using alcohol and pornography to recruit teenagers into an “‘organized ring'” to deface a Westchester County synagogue and a train station with neo-Nazi stickers, the AP reports.

Six Georgia legislators have asked to step in as defendants in a lawsuit brought by the Georgia ACLU and Lambda Legal that seeks to stop a ballot referendum on adding a same-sex marriage ban to the state’s constitution. Georgia already prohibits same-sex marriage, but a constitutional ban would protect the law from being reviewed by the courts. The legislators will be represented by the conservative Christian group, the Alliance Defense Fund.

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Tucson filed for bankruptcy yesterday. It is the second U.S. diocese, after Portland’s, to seek court protection due to the cost of clerical sexual abuse cases.

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