09 July 2004 Daily Links

Published on July 9, 2004

“In April, Julee Lacey, 33, a Fort Worth, TX, mother of two, went to her local CVS drugstore for a last-minute Pill refill. She had been getting her prescription filled there for a year, so she was astonished when the pharmacist told her, ‘I personally don’t believe in birth control and therefore I’m not going […]

“In April, Julee Lacey, 33, a Fort Worth, TX, mother of two, went to her local CVS drugstore for a last-minute Pill refill. She had been getting her prescription filled there for a year, so she was astonished when the pharmacist told her, ‘I personally don’t believe in birth control and therefore I’m not going to fill your prescription.’ Melissa Kelley, 35, was just as stunned when her gynecologist told her she would not renew her prescription for birth control pills last fall. ‘She told me she couldn’t in good faith prescribe the Pill anymore.’… Lacey’s pharmacist and Kelley’s doctors are among hundreds, perhaps thousands, of physicians and pharmacists who now adhere to a controversial belief that birth control pills and other forms of hormonal contraception–including the skin patch, the vaginal ring, and progesterone injections–cause tens of thousands of ‘silent’ abortions every year. Consequently, they are refusing to prescribe or dispense them.” Read more of Caroline Bollinger’s Prevention report, “Access Denied.”

When down in the mouth, remember Jonah. He came out all right.” Dan Nephin, of the Associated Press, reads some church signs.

Ray Hemphill, minister of the Milwaukee Faith Temple of the Apostolic Faith Church is on trial for felony physical child abuse for suffocating an autistic child during an exorcism last August. Hemphill faces up to five years in prison if convicted.

“‘I said to myself, please God, if my time is coming, make it happen before the parish closes. I can have a Catholic funeral in any church. But I cannot conceive of myself having the last rites and leaving this world from another parish,'” ” said Mary Giorgio, who has attended the St. Susanna Parish for more than 40 years. The church, Elizabeth Mehren reports in The LA Times, is one of 69 in the Boston area soon to close.

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