03 June 2004 Daily Links

Published on June 3, 2004

3:30 pm: And the most Catholic senator of them all is… John Kerry! So says a new “study” by Sen. Dick Durbin, according to Amy Fagan in The Washington Times. Rick “Man-on-dog”Santorum (20th most Catholic senator ) points out flaws in the ranking system. Read: 3:16 pm: British rightwing nationalists attack radical mosque in London. “Authenticity is not a matter of where you come […]

3:30 pm: And the most Catholic senator of them all is… John Kerry! So says a new “study” by Sen. Dick Durbin, according to Amy Fagan in The Washington Times. Rick “Man-on-dog”Santorum (20th most Catholic senator ) points out flaws in the ranking system. Read:

3:16 pm: British rightwing nationalists attack radical mosque in London.

“Authenticity is not a matter of where you come from but what you know.” Wendy Doniger on the secrets of — and myths about — Tantra in The Times Literary Supplement.

From the Right — er, the orthodox — corner… On the occasion of Bush’s meeting with the pope,Godspy republishes a Commonweal article on the Catholic neocon assault on the Church.

Denver Post: U.S. Catholic bishops add politics to agenda of upcoming prayer retreat. Task force to report on “whether Catholic politicians who clash with church teaching should be worthy of Communion.”

Karl Rove turns to numerology: Asks for 1600 Pennsylvania churches to help keep W. in 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NYT “conservative beat” reporter David D. Kirkpatrick counts the ethical violations.

USA Today at (culture) war: Susan Page reports on church attendance and voting patterns. Earlier on The RevealerJulia Rabig doesn’t believe in “culture war.”

Conservative Christian Defense Coalition to surround Madison Square Garden during Republican convention to pray for the soul of the G.O.P. and the safety of U.S. troops, reports A.P. Will NYPD — already restricting other demonstrations — cut prayer warriors special breaks?

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