How to Invoke God's Mercy

Published on June 21, 2004

Ever the multi-tasker, God has taken up the cause of the anti-EU UK Independence Party. At least according to Reverend Philip Foster, vicar of St. Matthew’s Church, Cambridge, who invited his congregation to a special service to offer thanks for God’s intervention in the European election. Rev. Foster, the BBC reports, tooke the results as “‘a sign […]

Ever the multi-tasker, God has taken up the cause of the anti-EU UK Independence Party. At least according to Reverend Philip Foster, vicar of St. Matthew’s Church, Cambridge, who invited his congregation to a special service to offer thanks for God’s intervention in the European election. Rev. Foster, the BBC reports, tooke the results as “‘a sign of God’s mercy on our country'” and said that “the Bible warned of a coming global empire, and the EU was a part of this.”

2:43 pm: If you’ve ever wanted to know how to maximize your DNA’s potential, this Friday is the day to learn how. Gregg Braden, best-selling author of The God Code, will lead a seminar in southern Florida, teaching participants how they can “‘activate’ the healing properties in human DNA by reciting the ancient name of God”–a name Braden claims can itself be found within DNA code. Alexandra Alter, of The Miami Herald, reports on Braden’s claim: “By translating Hebrew letters into their numerical equivalents, which he says are laid out in ancient scriptures, Braden has matched them to the atomic weight of the chemicals that make up the human genome. Hydrogen becomes the Hebrew letter Yod, nitrogen becomes the letter Hey, oxygen becomes the letter Vav, and carbon becomes the Gimel, spelling out, Braden claims, Y-hweh, one of the 72 Hebrew names for God. The message in its entirety spells out ‘God eternal within the body,’ according to Braden, who says he hopes the discovery will help to forge a common identity for humanity at a time when the planet is plagued by ethnic and sectarian warfare.”

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