Ruth, Revealed

Published on March 3, 2004

The Revealer will be practicing a different kind of religion journalism, in person, at the JCC of Manhattan on Thursday, March 4, at 7:30 p.m. Our scripture for the evening will be courtesy of the brilliant novelist and essayist lê thi diem thúy, who will be presenting her “Book of Ruth” from Killing The Buddha: A Heretic’s Bible. The Revealer will be […]

The Revealer will be practicing a different kind of religion journalism, in person, at the JCC of Manhattan on Thursday, March 4, at 7:30 p.m. Our scripture for the evening will be courtesy of the brilliant novelist and essayist lê thi diem thúy, who will be presenting her “Book of Ruth” from Killing The Buddha: A Heretic’s BibleThe Revealer will be on hand to sing (ok, read) a psalm from the same hymnal; our latest effort in this vein is the true tale of a“Hermaphrodite Terrorist Angel,” and it contains one of our four (or five, or six…) noble truths of religion writing: “…things that are not real can still hurt you.” Or lift you up, as thúy lê’s juxtaposition of an account of her mother’s death and burial in Vietnam with the things Ruth might have said does for us.

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