Oy vey, St. Blog!

Published on March 17, 2004

St. Blog’s Parish, the Catholic blogosphere that’s rapidly displacing the Catholic print press, is something of a moveable feast. It’s like one of those roaming parties that settles for a brief time in a warehouse or a public park and shakes things up. Since yesterday, a piece of this party has found its way to The […]

St. Blog’s Parish, the Catholic blogosphere that’s rapidly displacing the Catholic print press, is something of a moveable feast. It’s like one of those roaming parties that settles for a brief time in a warehouse or a public park and shakes things up. Since yesterday, a piece of this party has found its way to The Revealer‘s comments boards and email inboxes, disputing selections for our new links page to St. Blog’s Parish and suggesting additions. We’ve added some that we consider especially interesting or representative of the cyber-reformation of the Roman Catholic Church (yes, we know “reformation” is a loaded term, St. Bloggers — you brought it on yourselves): SantificarnosDisputationsVideo meliora, proboque; Deteriora sequorSt. Blog’s Parish Hall, and Apologia, which is not a blog but an introduction to the self-named “traditionalist” Catholic movement perhaps most easily defined by its rejection ofVatican IIApologia presents fascinating audio conversion tales, including one that begins, “Oy vey. What’s a nice Jewish girl doing in a place like this?”

Better questions for religion writers are: Does the mostly conservative St. Blog’s Parish present a bigger challenge to Church hierarchy than lay people’s democracy movement? How come progressive Catholics tend to meet in Church basements while conservative Catholics gather in the blogosphere? What will happen if — when — these lay-people movements converge?

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