Party's Over, Fellas

Published on November 24, 2003

Some people just don’t know when to leave. Evangelical jihadi and U.S. Lt. General William G. Boykin soldiers on, despite the outrage of nearly the entire Muslim world over his comments comparing Allah to Satan. And word has it that Cardinal Bernard F. Law is interviewing for a new job. The Revealer wishes outted crusaders and disgraced religious figures would learn a lesson from Tammy Faye.

Some people just don’t know when to leave. Evangelical jihadi and U.S. Lt. General William G. Boykin soldiers on, despite the outrage of nearly the entire Muslim world over his comments comparing Allah to Satan. And word has it that Cardinal Bernard F. Law is interviewing for a new jobThe Revealer wishes outted crusaders and disgraced religious figures would learn a lesson from Tammy Faye.

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