In the World Links: Lost & Found in Translation Edition

Published on April 4, 2012

Nora Connor: In Poland, the Bhagavad Gita is now available in translation directly from Sanskrit to Polish, thanks to a “late-blooming” student’s doctoral dissertation. In Russia, an appeals court declines to ban the Gita as “extremist” religious literature. In time for Passover, check out the New American Haggadah, translated by Nathan Englander and edited by Jonathan Safran Foer...

Nora Connor:  In Poland, the Bhagavad Gita is now available in translation directly from Sanskrit to Polish, thanks to a “late-blooming” student’s doctoral dissertation. In Russia, an appeals court declines to ban the Gita as “extremist” religious literature. In time for Passover, check out the New American Haggadah, translated by Nathan Englander and edited by Jonathan Safran Foer. Stay tuned for the first complete English translations of Aquinas’ Commentaries. And if you’re translating a Bible in to “Muslim,” be careful: three Bible translation companies came under criticism for their “inoffensive” Turkish- and Arabic-language renderings of the Bible, prompting them to agree to a World Evangelical Association review of their translation of terms like “God the Father” (hint: the correct translation is notAllah”). But if you hang out with a different crowd of Christians, you may get in on the project of a “secular” translation of the Bible—please do, in fact, because we are dying to know what that would mean.

It being Passover and Easter week, and perhaps more importantly, Opening Day of baseball season, a couple of recommendations: read this book. Maybe give this one a scan. Be glad you missed this sermon. Know who you’re kicking dirt at. And it’ll be May Day soon enough, so spare a thought for the national pastime’s wage slaves.

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