"8: The Mormon Proposition" Coming To a Theater Near You

Published on May 1, 2010

Out & About interviews director Reed Cowan about his new documentary film on the Mormon Church's efforts to pass Proposition 8 in California, a law which makes same-sex marriage illegal. Cowan says his documentary is more about separation of church and state than it is gay rights and predicts that the church's blatant political participation will come back to haunt them just as their racial discrimination in the 70's caused an investigation of their tax-exempt status by the IRS.

Out & About interviews director Reed Cowan about his new documentary film on the Mormon Church’s efforts to pass Proposition 8 in California, a law which makes same-sex marriage illegal.  Cowan says his documentary is more about separation of church and state than it is gay rights and predicts that the church’s blatant political participation will come back to haunt them just as their racial discrimination in the 70’s caused an investigation of their tax-exempt status by the IRS.  When asked about the Church’s continued efforts to fight for “traditional marriage” as a court case rises to the Supreme Court, Cowan says, “Oh, they have the stomach for it and they have the capital for it; they’ll continue to fight. They will fight with every dollar they have, and as the subpoenas come they’ll continue to ally with every group they can. The onus here really is on the American citizenry to say ‘no more backroom deals, we insist on transparency’ when it comes to churches and their involvement in the political process.

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