28 June 2004 Daily Links

Published on June 28, 2004

NPR’s Barbara Bradley Hagerty begins a three part series on religion in the workplace with a profile of the HomeBanc Mortgage Company, wherein employees are encouraged to join employee prayer groups or speak with corporate chaplains. Listen to Hagerty’s report and read more about “NPR’s Little Gods.” 9:25 am: Former hostage Thomas Hamill spoke to his church about his reliance […]

NPR’s Barbara Bradley Hagerty begins a three part series on religion in the workplace with a profile of the HomeBanc Mortgage Company, wherein employees are encouraged to join employee prayer groups or speak with corporate chaplains. Listen to Hagerty’s report and read more about “NPR’s Little Gods.”

9:25 am: Former hostage Thomas Hamill spoke to his church about his reliance on prayer while he was held captive. The Dallas Morning News’s Katherine Morales reports on Hamill’s testimony: “‘God wanted me there,’ Mr. Hamill said. ‘He wanted me to go through what I went through…I felt God had been preparing me my whole life for what happened in Iraq.'” Revealer editor Jeff Sharlet has written about Hamill’s faith before, in “Welcome to the Pantheon.”

9:10 am: Rick Ufford-Chase, a 40-year old peace activist and layman has been elected to serve as moderator of the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. for the next two years, the AP reports. Ufford-Chase, who supports the inclusion of gays in the ministry, was selected as the church prepares for renewed debate at its annual convention this week, over whether to repeal a ban on gay pastors. Read more.

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