02 June 2004 Daily Links

Published on June 4, 2004

The making of martyrs: Nancy Updike, Malia Zoghlin, and Michael Wean combine photographs and sound to document — step by step — the process by which Palestinians killed in combat are laid in the grave as martyrs. In the handsome new webmagazine Six Billion. Contemporary Christian musicians, writes John Paul Davis, “act as kidneys for their largely evangelical audience, straining secular […]

The making of martyrs: Nancy UpdikeMalia Zoghlin, and Michael Wean combine photographs and sound to document — step by step — the process by which Palestinians killed in combat are laid in the grave as martyrs. In the handsome new webmagazine Six Billion.

Contemporary Christian musicians, writes John Paul Davis, “act as kidneys for their largely evangelical audience, straining secular pop culture and inserting Dogmatically Correct lyrics.”The New Pantagruel on what’s wrong with Christian pop.

“Now, if I listen to a beautiful rendition of ‘Power in the Blood’ like Mahalia Jackson’s, it still scares me. I remember sitting there and thinking, realizing deep in my bones: Faith is dangerous. It can be.”
–Interviews with Revealer editor Jeff Sharlet in Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly and Southern Scribe.

“Bob Dylan’s Unshakeable Monotheism”: Parts 12, and 3 of a four-part series in Jewsweek.

We are all Manicheans, now. Stephen Chan on the return to medieval religion in Nth Position.

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